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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Can I get Lip Blush if I have filler?

Yes! Lip filler will not interfere with the Lip Blush process or the results. Note that Lip Filler and Lip Blush MUST be done at least 4 weeks apart from one another.

Are touch ups included?

Perfecting sessions (8 week touch ups) are not included. We only charge a supply which ranges from $99-$150 based on the artist. We do not include that in the initial cost for a few reasons. 

1. Perfecting sessions are typically necessary, but not always. Some clients heal beautifully after one session. 

2. Breaking up cost a bit helps procedures be more economic for our clients. 

Can I get Lip Blush if I have dark/high melanin lips?

Higher Melanin and Cool toned lip procedures must be delicately performed following a strict procedure protocol and may take multiple sessions to achieve results. During the first 1-3 sessions we will neutralize the darker tones using a bright color aligned with your undertone. Using any other color will risk darkening the lips further or will result in no results at all. This technique will result in a nude/pink even tone.

Note that results cannot be guaranteed and lightening/evening out high melanin/cool toned lips can take several sessions. If you are unsure if you have high melanin or cool toned lips please email brightly lit, clear photos of your lips, or book a consultation to confirm. Lips that are too deeply hyperpigmented or scarred may not be candidates for this procedure.

How do future touch ups work after 9-18 months?

After 9-18 months, most people are ready for a Color Refresh. This service allows your artist to define and adjust the shape and boost your color. No touch up is needed, and you will be set for another 12-24 months!

Color Refresh pricing only applies when you return to your original artist. The lower Refresh pricing is applied due to the original artists understanding of the work that was done and experience with the clients skin.

Seeing a new artist is always full price if you have not seen them before.

How do I proceed if I have previous work done by another artist?

Previous work can be tricky. The current state of the pigment must be assessed in order to determine the best way to achieve your desired results. 

Book a consultation with your chosen Artist so we can see you in person to come up with a plan for your perfect look.

Does it hurt?

Anesthetic is applied to numb the area during the procedure. Most clients feel very little discomfort (if any) and find the procedure quite relaxing. It’s even common  for client’s to fall asleep during the process.

How long is the appointment?

Please allow at least three hours for your initial appointment to properly design and prepare for your procedure.

What is Semi Permanent Makeup or PMU?

Semi Permanent Makeup/Permanent Makeup/Micro-pigmentation involves the use of sophisticated techniques and tools to implant pigment  into the skin and create a variety of cosmetic effects. Realistic hair strokes, soft velvety Microshading and fuller, naturally defined lips.

Why do I need a touch up?

Skin can be an unpredictable canvas, and retention can vary from person to person. Touch ups are necessary to visibly assess how your color looks healed , and gauge how the look is meeting your personal expectations. From there, your artist can adjust the color you have retained, and fine tune the design for the desired long lasting result.

Can I get this done if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Although some medical professionals regard PMU procedures as completely safe, Hoshi Studios artists simply wont chance any potential issues by working on a soon to be, or new mommy. 

How old do I need to be?

Legally, you must be 18 years old to recieve any type of permanent makeup.

How long is the healing process?

Brows can take 7-14 days before you can apply makeup to the area. The complete healing process takes 8 weeks for your cells to fully regenerate before you can be seen for a touch up. Aside from following aftercare instructions, there is no down time immediately following the procedure.

Lips heal in about 3-5 days. Just like brows, it takes about 8 weeks for the cells to fully regenerate and for the color to completely develop before you can be seen for a touch up. 

Will I look normal afterwards?

Immediately following your appointment, your PMU will look AWESOME. Maybe a little dark, but that is to be expected from these types of procedures. As the numbing effect wears off, you may start to experience a sunburn feeling around the area, as well as minimal redness and swelling on more sensitive skin types. This can last anywhere from a few – 48 hours.

How long does PMU last?

It depends! Everything from skin type, lifestyle, skin care, and sun exposure can effect how long your PMU will last. Generally your PMU will last somewhere between 12 and 24 months. Refresh sessions are recommended once you begin to notice significant fading to keep the shape and color looking it’s best.

Why did my brows disappear and come back?

During the initial healing process, your skin will begin to flake. Once the flakes have fallen off, an opaque layer of healing skin will completely cover your color. It may appear as though the area has completely disappeared. Within 4-8 weeks, the color will slowly reappear as your skin regenerates.

Can I bring a friend with me to my appointment?

Unfortunately, we cannot allow anyone else in the area during the procedure due to health regulations.

Can I bring my child with me to my appointment?

Unfortunately, we cannot allow anyone else in the area during the procedure due to health regulations.

Payment Questions

Do you accept care credit?

No. Unfortunately, permanent makeup is not an eligable expense so we are unable to accept care credit.

Can this be covered by my HSA?

No. The IRS explicitly labels cosemetic surgery as ineligble on page 15 of Publication 502 (

This procedure cannot be covered by an HSA.

Do you offer any payment plans or financing?

We are currently accepting Afterpay! This can be set up via the Afterpay app and used in store to pay.

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