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Nancy Lin


Nancy has been obsessed with brows in her teens, Nancy first trained with Hoshi Studio and went on to complete more intensive training after to hone her skills in both shading and microblading techniques. While managing her own studio before the move, she continued to shadow and assist Holly while keeping up with current PMU trends and ways to improve herself with daily practice. With a minor in Biology (specifically in infectious diseases) and 10+ years of work experience in the healthcare industry, Nancy is well-versed in sanitation techniques for health safety and tattooing. Nancy’s dream is to travel internationally to Korea and Europe to receive more advanced training from international artists. She would also love to attend the world’s most exclusive PMU expo in The Netherlands (Eyebrow Festival!). When not in the studio, Nancy spends her time relaxing in cafes and doing DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Nancy is also trilingual in conversational Mandarin and Japanese and enjoys polishing her language skills in her free time. She also has the most handsome cat in the world named Mugi (which is Japanese for ‘Barley’). 

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